What to Know About Medicare if You Work Past Age 65

By Brian Krantz - March 1, 2023

Turning 65 is a milestone for many people, and it’s also the age when most individuals become eligible for Medicare. But what do you do if you decide to keep working after age 65? Can you still take advantage of Medicare benefits? Let’s look at what you need to know about working past 65 and how it affects your Medicare eligibility.

What Are Your Options?

If you work past age 65, there are two primary options available to you. The first is to delay enrollment in Part A and Part B of Medicare until you choose to retire. This option can make sense if your employer has an excellent health insurance plan that provides more coverage than what is typically offered with Original Medicare. However, it’s important to note that delaying enrollment in Parts A and B means that you won’t be eligible for certain benefits, such as the ability to pay a lower premium for Part B coverage or out-of-pocket expenses incurred while traveling outside of the United States.

Your other option is to sign up for Parts A and B during your initial enrollment period (which occurs three months before and after your 65th birthday). If your workplace offers group health insurance with at least 20 employees, then by law they must provide equal or better coverage than Original Medicare. That means that even though you will have both group health insurance through your employer and Original Medicare, the plans must coordinate with each other so that neither one pays more than 100% of covered services (this process is known as “coordination of benefits”).

It’s important to note that some employers may require their employees who are enrolled in Original Medicare part A and/or part B to pay a surcharge on their employee contributions to the company health plan—this surcharge may be required because they would otherwise be paying more than 100% of their covered services due to coordination of benefits.

Special Considerations

There are also other special considerations when it comes to coordinating benefits between group health insurance through an employer and Original Medicare—for example, if the employer requires its employees who are enrolled in both plans to use certain healthcare providers or facilities in order for them to be eligible for reimbursement from either plan. It’s generally best practice for individuals who have both group health coverage through their employer and Original Medicare parts A &B should talk with their human resources department and/or contact their local Social Security office for more information about these special considerations before enrolling in either plan.

Working past age 65 does not mean that you have forfeit all of your rights as a senior citizen! There are still ways for seniors who work after turning 65 years old can take advantage of the benefits offered by Original Medicare Parts A &B – even if they have group health insurance through an employer. It’s important all seniors understand what their options are before making a decision on which plan they should enroll in – whether they’re working past age 65 or not! By taking some time now understanding all available options, seniors can make sure they get the most out of their healthcare dollars now and into retirement.

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